Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo was blessed by GOD with the revelation/discovery of GOD ALMIGHTY’S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM Nicknamed GAGUT Gij,j=0, which infallibly proved that all theorems and all equations past present and future originate out of one invariant Gi which has orthogonal components Gij and a divergence of Gij,j=0 which radically unifies all of mathematics defined as the study of theorems as well as all knowledge of provable truth also called theorems into one singular equation Gij, j =0, understood globally to be the infallible theorem of everything and summarized by the Russian Daily News report #1339 10-30-2018, which can be googled. GAGUT hence contains all of Mathematics, including all infallible solutions to all of mathematics, because mathematics is defined by GAGUT as the study of theorems. GAGUT also contains all of Physics including the Grand Unified Field theorem of everything, the search of which was popularized by Professor Albert Einstein, who searched for the approximate theory of the Grand Unified Theorem of everything from 1915 until 1955 when he transformed on to no avail. GAGUT also contains all of Chemistry and all other parts of knowledge of all provable truths and all of existence, because provable truths and existence are theorems. GAGUT together with its infallibility hence constitutes the only global source of all theorems and the only global source of determining if any hypothesis or conjecture is a theorem or not. The legendary Cambridge University mathematician Sir Professor Michael Atiyah was reported to have been delighted to see the review of GAGUT by another legendary mathematician Professor Grigoris Tsagas over 200 MR’s during a briefing on GAGUT presented by a young mathematics researcher to Sir Professor Michael Atiyah who requested to keep a copy of the GAGUT review at SUNY Stony Brook on November 3, 2010. Sir Professor Atiyah who was at SUNY Stony Brook to deliver a lecture entitled “From Algebraic Geometry to Physics: A Personal Perspective” had his research works “Collected Works” by Michael Atiyah and “Field Medalists’ Lectures” by Sir Michael Atiyah and Daniel Iagolnitzer as well as the work “Knowledge and Mathematical Thinking” by the legendary Goettingen University Mathematician Professor David Hilbert together with the GAGUT work “Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory” by Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, selected by Goettingen University to Honor the Greatest Mathematician before GAGUT, Carl Frederick Gauss in 2005. GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem GAGUT Gij,j=0 as stated earlier has infallibly proven that all theorems and all equations past present and future originate out of and can be represented by one invariant Gi which has orthogonal components Gij and a divergence of Gij,j=0. GAGUT has therefore unified all of mathematics into one equation Gij,j=0 and so has already provided solutions to all mathematics problems the reason GAGUT was used to honor Gauss including all of those discussed by Sir Professor Atiyah during his lecture at SUNY Stony Brook on November 3 2010. GAGUT specifically solved the Quantum Gravity and all the Unified Field Theory including absolute infinity problems discussed by Sir Professor Atiyah exactly since Gi can represent Unified Force Field or Quantum Gravity Function or Invariant having orthogonal components Gij and a divergence Gij,j=0. The Infallibility of that representation is established by eta sub n the fundamental solutions to GAGUT Gij,j=0 where the quantum part is represented by eta sub 0 and the gravity part is represented by eta sub 1. The Clay Mathematics Millennium Problems which were also discussed by Sir Professor Atiyah particularly the Navier-Stokes Equation, the Yang-Mills Equation and the Riemann Hypothesis have all been solved exactly by GAGUT Gij,j=0. This is why GAGUT was declared a “Tenured Radical” by a research categorizing institution. The Navier Stokes Equation solutions through GAGUT were directly reviewed by the American and European Mathematical Societies AMS and EMS eg by Professor Dubovski of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Professor Pozzi of Italy while the Yang Mills Equation solutions through GAGUT together with Riemann Hypothesis resolution through GAGUT were reviewed within the “Generalized Proof of Einstein’s Theory using a New Group Theory” Paper by Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo by the American and European Mathematical Societies eg by Professor Jaume Carot and Professor G Tsagas. GAGUT again represented an expanded new version of Riemann Hypothesis resolution through GAGUT within a paper entitled “GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem GAGUT Gij,j=0 has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis a Clay Mathematics Millennium Problem by Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo” which a group of distinguished mathematicians was invited to review in addition to its previous general review by the AMS and EMS. Gauss 2005 celebration selected works as expected for the greatest expert in any field of knowledge constitute some of the greatest recognitions in mathematics. That is clearly seen by the partial list of the Goettingen University 2005 Gauss celebration through the Google browser, which includes the works of Professor David Hilbert recommended to be studied during week 24 of the 52 weeks of 2005 who was a successor to Professor Carl Frederick Gauss as the head of the Mathematics Department at Goettingen University and who was also recognized as the last of the great mathematicians before GAGUT . The List also contains the works of Sir Professor Michael Atiyah who was a successor to Sir Professor Isaac Newton as Master of Trinity College of Cambridge University, as well as an Abel Prize Laureate, King Faisal Prize Laureate, and a Field Medalist, with each of the three prizes being equivalent to a Nobel Prize and Professor Daniel Iagolnitzer recommended to be studied during week 19 of the 52 weeks of 2005, as well as another work by Sir Professor Michael Atiyah recommended to be studied during week 18 of the 52 weeks of 2005. The List further contains the work of Alain Connes who was also a Field Medalist again equivalent to a Nobel Prize and Matilde Marcolli recommended to be studied during week 17of the 52 weeks of 2005. The work recommended to be studied during week 14 of the 52 weeks of 2005 by Professor Ovidiu Calin and Professor Chen Chang was on Geometric Mechanics of Riemann Manifolds, named after Professor Bernhard Riemann another Great Mathematician from Goettingen University, Professor Carl Frederick Gauss’ Doctoral Student and who proposed the Riemann Hypothesis. GAGUT has its work recommended to be studied during week 26 of the 52 weeks of 2005 placing it in the center of the Gauss 2005 celebration which is consistent with the reality of GAGUT containing all of the other works selected on that list, as well as all of the other works of Mathematics. Clearly one can see that GOD had already certified GAGUT and Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo who was blessed by GOD with the revelation/discovery of GAGUT, as having earned all Abel Prizes, all King Faisal Prizes, all Nobel Prizes as well as all Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Prizes, particularly the Riemann Hypothesis Prize since the distinguished reviewers including Sir Professor Michael Atiyah did not disagree with the infallibility of GAGUT, the additional basis for accepting and publishing the paper entitled “GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem GAGUT Gij,j=0 has revealed proven solution to Riemann Hypothesis a Clay Mathematics Millennium Problem by Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo” in the GAGUT Unified and Radical Mathematics Research Journal Number 1 Volume 1 November 2010 which can be obtained on as well as GAGUT containing all of the Mathematics works that have earned and shall earn in the future all Abel Prizes, all King Faisal Prizes, all Nobel Prizes, as well as all other prizes including all Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Prizes because GAGUT contains all solutions to all mathematics and all other problems infallibly.
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